Homework 24

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§ Of the two bodies of canon-church law now in force throughout the Roman-Catholic Church: the Western Code: 1983, and the Eastern Code: 1990 - by far the Eastern Code has the better Latin texts as the work of one Latin expert not the botched job of a crowd of clowns.

A] If you are careful and read the text a number of times, following the VOCAB. and answering the questions, you can understand perfectly and correctly render a nice long sentence of the eastern code on the appointment of bishops:
"Candidatos, saltem tres, ad officium Episcopi eparchialis, Episcopi coadiutoris vel Episcopi auxiliaris extra fines territorii Ecclesiae patriarchalis implendum Synodus Episcoporum Ecclesiae patriarchalis ad normam canonum +de electionibus+ Episcoporum eligit".
VOCAB. saltem=at least. eparchialis,e=eparchal: belonging to local governing bishop. Episcopus,i-m.=over-seer = bishop. coadiutor,oris-m.=helper, coadiutor. auxiliaris,e=auxiliary,helping. implendous,a,um=to-be-performed,carried-out. synodus,i-f.=assembly, synod. +de electionibus+=concerning the elections. patriarchalis,e=belonging to the patriarch, patriarchal. candidatus,i-m.=candidate, aspirant. canon,onis-m.=rule, canon.

  1. If the word is: 'officium,i-n.=office,duty' and 'canon,onis-m.=rule', then point out to your students the problem in Latin functions with "officiUM" and "canonUM":
    What is the reversed form for those two words as used here?
  2. You read through the text ten times and then point out the fine style of the Latin by indicating the subject: ________, verb: _________, object: __________.
  3. Your Latin training gave you how many [so far!!!] uses-functions for the form: 'patriarchalIS' ?
  4. Your good Latin eye tells you that the word 'implendum' must agree with: _________.
  5. So that you may not lose too much time, I'll tell you that the two "ad' here have different meanings here, which you can verify in your DICT. 'ad' L.1=for,to; 'ad' in L.3=according to. no ______ yes ______.
  6. Now you can direct your Latin or law students to the perfect rendition of the smooth modern text:
  7. Reverse: 'Ecclesiae patriarchalis'= ________ 'ad officium Episcopi eparchialis'= ________
  8. ADD a short sentence on your own: "Because (quoniam+indicative) many of our associates (socius,i-m.) and colleagues [sodalis,is-c:20%] were learning [disco,ere] church (use: ecclesiasticus,a,um and ecclesialis,e) laws [use: lex,legis-f. and ius,iuris-n. with those two adjectives properly], they were desiring [cupio,cupere: III+IV but treated as verb Gp. IV] to taste (gusto,are) the real [verus,a,um] nature (indoles,is-f.) of canonical (canonicus,a,um) talk [sermo,sermonis-m.]".

B] "Episcopus eparchialis aut Superior maior notitiam sacrae ordinationis *uniuscuiusque* diaconi mittat* ad parochum apud quem ordinati baptismus adnotatus est".
VOCAB. *uniuscuiusque*=_of each. mittat* here: subjunctive:'---should send'. parochus,i-m.=pastor. ordinatio,onis-f.=ordination. diaconus,i-m.=deacon. adnotare=to mark down.

  1. From your preliminary introduction to the passive voices what vernacular-English meanings did we give to the times 4a and 4b in the passive: which meanings can be attached to the 'adnotatus est' here =
  2. If the subject of that 'mittat' is ________, then the object is ________.
  3. If the verb is 'ordino,are=to ordain', then the form: "ordinatus,a,um" all must mean: ________ and the form 'ordinatI' can function in Latin as what? ________ here it must be: _________, and must mean in several English words:
  4. The exact meaning of the simple out neat Latin: (Superior maior=Major Superior):
  5. If in the text the reversed of that 'ordinationis' is: ________ then the reversed of that 'eparchialis' must be: ________.

C] "Ecclesiasticae studiorum universitates et facultates sunt quae +ab auctoritate compitenti ecclesiastica canonice+ erectae vel approbatae scientias sacras et scientias *cum eisdem* conexas excolunt et tradunt".
VOCAB. +ab auct. comp. eccles. canon+=by the competent ecclesiastical authority canonically. *cum eisdem*=with the same. excolere=to cultivate. tradere=to teach.

  1. From the simple and obvious Latin verbs, what will be the full meaning for the forms 'erectae' (erigere), 'approbatae' (approbare), 'conexas' (conectere):
  2. Reverse the first three words here:
  3. What is the form for T.3 for the verbs here: 'sunt' ________, 'tradunt' ________.
    What are the reversed forms for those two verbs:
  4. Your faithful version of the oriental text:

D] "Textum legum declarationum el decretorum, quae +in conventu eparchiali+ data sunt episcopus eparchialis communicet* cum auctoritate".
VOCAB. communicet* here is subjunctive: '---should,must,may'. +in con. epar.+=in the diocesan meeting.

  1. If 'data sunt' is the passive form for T. 4a and 4b, then what exact vernacular meanings is it going to have? (do,dare=to give,issue):
  2. If the word is: "textus":text,writing, and the word is 'lex,legis-f. - declaratio', then point out the problem with those "---um" endings:
  3. If the subject here is ________, then the object is ________, and the canon means exactly:
  4. Reverse: 'decretORUM':

First Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

Answers to First Experience

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