Fr. Gary Coulter These are my answers to the Ludi Domestici. Therefore they contain my errors. Please report any corrections to me. As always, the assignments are much more profitable if done before looking at the answers. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 1 Experientia tertia nostra apte [convenienter] aperitur a patre latinitatis: Marco Tullio Cicero (qui vixit inter annum centensimum sextum et annum quadragesimum tertium aetatis [saeculi] ante Christum.) A. 1. sciam = T.3, reversed = sciemus; constitueris = T.6, you will have decided, you will have been deciding 2. reflexive: meum consilium 3. accommodabo reversed = accomodabimus; expecto reversed = expectamus 4. But nevertheless, if I shall know what you will have decided, I shall adapt my own plan most especially to yours; I am awaiting your letters. 5. passive: meum consilium accommodabitur a me; tuae litterae exspectantur a me 6. we were expecting her letters = exspectabamus litteras eius you have expected my and their letters = exspectavisti meas et eorum litteras she will adapt her plan to ours = ea accommodabit suum/eius consilium ad nostrum he will be expecting his-own letters = is exspectabit suas litteras B. 1. suum = his, hers, its, one's; it will take its meaning from the subject 2. tui = your men; tuae = your women; tua = your things; tuis = to your men/women/things 3. per vos never means 'for' you; pro vobis 4. suum here means "its own"; it is neuter - the reflexive possessive adjective take its meaning "its" from the subject (res publica), but takes its "neuter" gender from from the noun it modifies (ius) 5. Nevertheless the republic will get-back its right within a short time. I am neither lacking nor straying to your people. Who if they will report some things to me, my kindness and faith will be guaranteed to you. 6. reversed: ius suum = iura sua; reciperabit = reciperabunt; praestabitur = praestabuntur 7. Reciperaverimus iura nostra et eorum, cum cives rei publicae praestabunt suam benevolentiam. C. 1. se = reflexive pronoun which functions as an object, meaning: himself, herself, itself, oneself, themselves; its meaning comes from the subject 2. Each man will devote himself to the leadership; All men had devoted themselves; Each woman was devoting herself to the leadership. 3. reversed: animum = animos; ductum = ductús; one must know vocabulary 4. reversed: scribis = scribitis; civitatis = civitatum 5. reversed: Pompei = Pompeiorum; perspexi = perspeximus 6. passive: tuus promtus animus et alacer perspectus est a me 7. reversed: applicaverint = applicaverit; applicaverunt = applicavit 8. Omnes res quas [omnia quae] didici ante sunt in capite meo et adhibebo eas [eam] diligentia magna Foster 3rd Experience Homework 2 A. 1 in gloria Dei = in the glory of God; in gloriam Dei = for/unto the glory of God 2. abiectus = having been cast-down 3. cordibus nostris = dative, into our hearts; reversed = corde nostro 4. munera sua contulit = he granted/conferred his gifts, she conferred hers gifts, it conferred its gifts; he conferred his gifts - you have to look at the subject 5. multa dimisit = he forgave (has forvigen) many things 6. sua iustitia = reflexive, the subject is the owner of the justice = no one presumes of one's own justice; eius iustitia = possessive, the subject is not the owner = no one presumes of his justice 7. mihi = to me; tibi, nobis, vobis, ei, eis (iis), sibi 8. ad me = to me; a me = from me 9. sanctificatur, sanctificabatur, sanctificabitur, sanctificatus est, sanctificatus erat, sanctificatus erit erigitur, erigebatur, erigetur, erectus est, erectus erat, erectus erit 10. Therefore as the day recurs by its own order, on which the Lord wished me to have the beginning of the episcopal office. It is a the true cause of rejoicing for me towards the glory of God, who, so that a great thing may be loved by me, He has forgiven many things for me, so that He may make his grace marvelous, He conferred His gifts onto him in whom He did not find the good-marks of merits; by which work of - what does the Lord insert or what does he entrust to our hearts? Except that no-one should presume of his own righteousness and no-one should doubt of His mercy, which then stands-out more-clearly than when the sinner is sanctified and he, having been cast-down, has been raised-up. 11. abiectus erigor = I, having been cast-down, am raised abiecti erigentur = they, having been cast-down, will be raised abiecta erigebatur = she, having been cast-down, was being raised eratis a diabolo angelisque eius abiecti = ye had been rejected by the devil and his angels sua stultitia sunt abiecti = they were rejected by their own stupidity tuis numquam abicieris a familiaribus = you are never cast-down by your families 12. sanctificare = to sanctify, sanctifying (infinitive/gerund); you be sanctified (passive imperative) [reversed: sanctificamini] 1) T.6: dixerit reversed: dixerint; haesitaverit reversed: haesitaverint 2) ei = to/for/from him/her/it 3) tollere = to raise, you be raised; mittere = to throw; you be thrown reversed: tollimini, mittimini 4) Amen I say to you: whoever will have said to this mountain: "be raised-up and be thrown into the sea", and will not have hesitated in your heart... it will happen (be done) for him. A.1. dies, diei - 20% noun; in die reversed: in diebus 2. block 2 adjectives in ablative singular are reversed of the nouns - speciali = ablative, not dative - going with exultatione 3. glorificatus est exitus reversed: glorificati sunt exitus = T.4 death was glorified, has been glorified 4. veneranda festivitas (fem. abl. sing.) 5. subject: principatus festivitas 7. Today's feast, beyond that reverence which it has merited in the whole world, is needing to be venerated with the special and proper exultation of our city, so that where the death of the chief apostles was glorified, there may be joys in the principality on the day of their martyrdom. For these indeed are the men by whom the gospel of Christ has shown brightly to you Rome! Foster 3rd Experience Homework 3 A. 1. potes = T.1, possunt 2. extending his hand, her hand, its hand, one's hand 3. eiicit = T.1, reversed: eiiciunt; eiecit = T.4, reversed: eiecerunt 4. dixit = T.4, he said; dicit = T.1 he says 5. volo mundare = I wish to cleanse, volo, mundare! = I wish (it), be cleansed! 6. sacerdoti = dative - to the priest; ei = to him, to her, to it; they (subject); reversed: socerdot?, ? 7. misertus = deponent, having had pity you have pity! = miserere; ye have pity = miseremini 8. manum suam reversed: manus suas; vade reversed: vadite 9. venit = T.1, reversed: veniunt; vEnit = T.4, reversed: venerunt 10. And a leper came to Him begging Him and bending the knee and saying to Him: 'If you wish, you can cleanse me'. And He having had pity extending His hand He touched him and said to him: 'I wish, be cleansed! And the leprosy departed from him at once and he was cleansed. And He bellowed to him and at once He discharged him and says to him: 'Go... show yourself to the priest'. 11. In omni homine Deum video. Cum lavo vulnera leprosi, sentio: Dominum ipsum nutrio / alo / sustineo. B. 1. he was conceived = conceptus est; conceptus fuit 2. sibi = for himself 3. quorum propria mutatio est - of whom change was characteristic 4. vestri = of you; vestrum = of you 5. quisquis es audax = whoever of you are brave 6. subject: constantia ac magnanimas; object: omnes 7. passus est = T.4 deponent (active meaning) = he suffered; conceptus est = T.4 passive 8. inquiro = I search; inquiam = I say 9. Sigmund Caesar, son of the Roman emperor Charles IV, was conceived in Siena, he was born however in Bohemia .../... Mary, the daughter of the Hungarian king Ludwig, he placed in marriage for himself, because of whom he also received the kingdom of Hungary. However he suffered very many things in it/that as the Hungarians were rebelling quite often, of whom change is characteristic. But the Hungarians once conspired and planned/thought to lay hands on Sigmund... 'I have noticed - he says - Hungarians, that you have come here to capture me. But I shall see who of you will be so brave, so reckless, and so criminal... Tie me, whoever of you are brave! Take your king! Neither men nor gods will leave you unpunished'. Therefore the constancy and firmness of Sigmund scared all (persons). Foster 3rd Experience Homework 4 A. 1. legi = I read, have read; for the law 2. adsuevi = I have grown-accustomed, have become acquainted (as aquainted) 3. reprehenduntur - they are criticized (T.1); merentur - they merit (T.1 deponent) T.3 = reprehendentur (one vowel difference); merebuntur 4. both... and 5. from you, by you 6. libenter = willingly, readily, promptly; libentius, libentissime; freely = libere 7. diligentissime = adverb, most diligently; patientius = adjective, more patiently quam diligentissime = as diligently as possible; patientius quam = more patiently than 8. "cum" means "with" as accompaniment / togetherness; not instrumentality 9. maxime = mostly, especially, chiefly; magnopere, magis 10. more patient; rather patient, quite patient 11. I have read your book and, as diligently as possible as I was able, I have noted which things I think are needing to be changed, which things are needing to be taken-out. For I have been accustomed both to say the truth and you to hear [it] willingly. Nor indeed are any (people) criticized/scolded more patiently than those who merit to be praised mostly/especially. Now I am expecting my own book from you together with your comments. 12. Pecunia est nulla rotarum mercaturae: est oleum quod reddit rotarum motum [motionem] leviorem facilioremque. B. 1. reliquit = it has relinquished; relinquit = it relinquishes 2. aestas = summer; aetas = age 3. longissime = most far/distant, very far/distant; altissime = most high/deep, very high/deep 4. audentior - masc. or fem., here masc.; reversed: audentius laudamus audentiorer; laudamus zelum audentiorum 5. ulteriora neuter plural subject or object, here object 6. Here every age is being held/captivated with interest by study of fishing, of sailing, and even of swimming, mostly the children whom leisure and games excites/stimulates. For these-children glory and strength = to be carried/advanced very far/most deeply: that-boy is victor who has left very far behind (just as the shore so also the ones-swimming/swimmers). By this contest/game a certain boy more bold than the rest was headed into rather distant things. A dolphin appears... 7. lusus (sing. subj.) reversed: lusus; ulteriora (pl obj.) reversed: ulterius certamine (n sing. abl.) reversed: certaminibus; omnis aetas reversed: omnes aetates Foster 3rd Experience Homework 5&6 A. 1. fem. sing. obj. - the unwilling woman (or mind) 2. aliud ... aliud = the one thing ... the other thing 3. meliora - comparative adjective, neuter pl. obj. - better things, reversed = melius deteriora - comparative adjective, neuter pl. obj. - worse things, reversed = deterius; superlative: deterrimus 4. But new force draws the unwilling woman and passion suggests one thing, reason suggests the other thing. I see and approve better things and I follow worse things. 5. Quamdiu otiaberis et retinaberis longe ex exemplares optima colloquii latini? Ideo hodie ludus noster inducitur a uno nostorum dilectorum poetarum latinorum, a qua mirabiliter [mire] exprimitur adfectus communis humanus. B. 1. conversus = having been turned-around 2. vivificasti <- vivificavisti 3. quantus = how big, what size, how great 4. multas, plures, plurimas; malas, peiores, pessimas 5. multiplicabis - T.3, reversed: muliplicabitis; consolaberis - T.3, reversed: consolabimini; Group 1 verbs, in Time 3, when making the active to passive flip for "tu" changes the 'i' to an 'e' : -abis -> -aberis (not -abiris) C. 1. laboriosa - positive adj.: fem. sing. subj., neut. plur. subj.-obj. laboriosiora - comparative adj: neut. plur. subj.-obj. laboriosius - comparative adj: neut., sing. subj.-obj. or comparative adverb laboriosus - positive adjective - masc. sing. subj. 2. No christian is more happy, to whom the kingdoms of the heavens are promised. None is more industrious, who daily risks concerning life. None is more strong, who conquers the devil. None is more weak, who is overcome by the flesh. 3. superaveris - T.6 = you will have overcome, reversed: superaveritis suberaberis - T.3, passive = you will be overcome: superabimini 4. The outstanding son having undertaken a more laudable work of the assent of song in the beginning. [mine: Originally the son merited the more extraordinary, praiseworthy work of the approval of the song of the attack.] D. 1. custodibitur - T.4 passive <- custodivitur 2. By the gods and by men I implore you, Hergio, lest you lose that man. Hergio: It has been arranged; for at night he was guarded having been restrained by strength, during the day he has cut-out stones under ground: this I shall torture by day, I shall not finish in one day. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 7 Cyprianus: frater carissime - vocative, same as subject-nominative form; reversed: fratres carissimi Marcus Aurelius: solus rem publicam tenuit, multo melior et feracior ad virtutes - feracior quam erat - rem publicam tenebat, optimus et feracissimus ad virtutem Seneca: Lucilius, vocative; Lucilii - genitive (of Lucilius) or subject plural A. 1. gestus - having been accomplished; thing accomplisted? 2. the beautiful thing <- pulcrum, pulchrius, pulcherrimum 3. in primis => especially, foremost, most of all = imprimis, inprimis 4. multi qui 5. quidam = a certain person; quidem = indeed, certainly 6. adverb - 'well' - bene, melius, optime 7. fácere = infinitive/gerund = to do/doing; fecére = fecérunt, T.4 = they did 8. rerum reversed: rei; res gestas reversed: rem gestam; rei publicae reversed: rebus publicis 9. to writing/writing, be written; scripsére = scripsérunt, T.4 = they have written / they wrote, reversed: scripsit 10. It is a beautiful thing to do/act well for the republic; either in peace or at war it is permitted/allowed to be-made/become famous. Many are praised, Both they who did and they who have written facts/deeds of others. And indeed to me, even though by no means the same glory accompanys/follows the writer of things and the doer of things, nevertheless the especially difficult task seems to write things accomplished. 11-1. id quod 11-2. miser -> miserrimus; plerique miseri Miseri plerique lenocinantur in poesem/poeticam malo. Discunt in dolore/patientia id quod docent in carmine. B. 1. longe = adverb: far, distant; longius, longissime 2. vero = however 3. repertus est - t.4; reperitur, reperibatur, reperetur, repertus est, repertus erat, repertus erit 4. suus = his, hers, its, theirs; a suis = by his people, be her things, etc.; by his own men 5. a) he was found by his own men; b) he was found far from his own men 6. vivus reversed: vivi; vultu reversed: vultibus 7. Catalina however was found/discovered far from his own men among the corpses of the enemies, still breathing somewhat and keeping in his face the fierceness/ferocity of spirit, which he had had alive. 8. Tu maxima non inveniebaris/reperibaris inter minores, quoniam feceras plura opera quam minores [in] quam optime/optimo modo. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 8 A. 1. adulescens, servi - vocative; reversed: adulescentes, serve 2. prurire - to itch for something: to be excited, anticipating 3. lóquere = loqueris - T.1 deponent or lóquere - deponent imperative; loquére = loquéris - T.3 deponent 4. quam + magis (comparative) = more than 5. quam = how [unnatural I am] 6. fustis - 4 functions: nom., voc. & gen. sing., acc. plur. 7. nolito - third person future imperative: you must refuse to; thou shall not wish 8. the plural imperative is irregular, one would expect efferite = efferte; reversed: fer; dico -> dic; duco -> duc; facio -> fac 9. magnopere, magis, maxime 10. Ag: Surely not to you, young man, jaws or teeth itches, who to this man is more annoying, or are you seeking a worse thing? An: Why have you not used a drum, while you speak those things? For I judge you to be more effeminate than manly. Ag: To know or not as I am effeminate? Go thence, servants, bring outside the clubs. An. Listen you, if I have said this with joking, you should not turn [it] into a serious thing. 11. loquere reversed: loquimini; fustis reversed: fustem; servi reversed: serve B. 1. quam = whom 2. induxti <- induxisti 3. audeo, audere, ausi, ausus sum - having dared [deponent] 4. aequus - positive adverb - equally; quisqam miserior quam ego 5. neuter plural = those things = ea <- is ommitted 6. consolare - looks like the infinitive/gerund; here it is T.1 passive = consolaris; it can also be the passive imperative or deponent imperative 7. recusare = infinitive 8. levissima... pergravissima 9. servant: You will know the thing, you will unravel the anger, you will again restore in grace. The things are light which you have brought to your mind being heavy. youth: Why do you console me? Or is anyone anywhere in the world equally miserable? Before this I married a wife, elsewhere I used to have a spirit having been dedicated to love; yet never having dared to reject her, whom father forces upon me. C. 1. expectata = having been awaited - aggrees with te (Antiphila) 2. anime mi - vocative: my spirit; reversed: animi mei 3. superlative adverbs: maxume = especially; maxime = most 4. Vocative; reversed: Cliniae, Antiphilae 5. Antiphila (maiden): Do I see or not see Clinia or not? Bacchis: Who do you see? Clinia (youth): Hello, my spirit. A: O my Clinia, hello. C: So you are healthy? A. Well, you have come safe. C: Am I holding or not you, Antiphila, especially having been awaited by my spirit. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 9 A. 1. miserrima = poorest, most miserable; aggreeing with quae (neuter plural); misera, miseriora 2. regina - vocative 3. their faces = ora sua 4. orsus est = T.4 5. conticescere = to cease to talk, to fall silent; conticuere = conticuerunt; reversed: conticuit 6. All fall-silent and faces from on high eager were holding. Thence father Aeneas began from the couch: 'O Queen, you decree to renew unspeakable sorrow: How Greeks have destroyed Troy's wealth and lamentable kingdom, and which very miserable things I myself have seen and a great part of which I have been...' B. 1. natus = having been born; nate - voc. = o one born 2. imperatives - reversed: fuge - fugite; eripe - eripite; cape - capite; quaere - quaerite 3. subject: Troia; object: penatis; sacra and penatis 4. having been born from a goddess 5. suos penatis 6. Oh flee, O one born of a goddess, and - he says - snatch yourself from these flames. The enemy has the city-walls; Troy has fallen from a high height... Troy entrusts to you its household-gods and sacred-rites. seize these comrades of the fates, seek for great defensive-walls which the sea having been crossed you will indeed establish. 7. reversed: hostis - hostes; flammis - flamma; penatis - penatem 8. where you establish your own statues in place of (for) his statues C. 1. fuere = fuerunt; retinuere = retinuerunt; habuere = habuerunt 2. alone: appelati, dicti = having been called; in T.4 as passive: appelati, dicti + sunt = have been called; were called 3. they have been seen, were seen; nominanti sunt - they were named 4. constituerunt = constituere 5. alii...alii = some...others 6. a = from, by 7. Five kinds of men have been in the city: some have been called Nine because, while alone they were holding the republic, they constituted nine rulers; others by the same reason have been called Twelve; others Reformers because some have been seen to have made reforms of politics; the Nobles - once were called by old age and power - have kept the name; the remaining have been named Populars. Now the Twelve having been cast-off from control some time ago have held no part of the republic. 8. O mortalitas! Carissima amica miseri, benevolentissima ac optima! Foster 3rd Experience Homework 10&11 A. 1. illo = from that man/person; illis; from this man = hoc; from the man himself = ipso 2. eis quae promisit = nueter; those things 3. God constituted the time for fulfilling those things he promised. The time of the promises was at the time of the prophets up to John the Baptist; from him however and successively/afterwards up to the end time is of fulfilling the thing which were promised. The faithful God who made himself our debtor, not by receiving anything from us but by promising such-great to us... Therefore the time of the prophet had been predicted, so that already we often spoke of the promises. He promised [successively] eternal health and blessed life with the angels without end, and unfading inheritance, eternal glory, sweetness of his face, his house of holiness in heaven, as-a-result-of the resurrection from the dead, no fear by dying. 4. quae = [ea] - ommitted - refering to promissis in L.1 - the promises 5. O egregie Aureli Augustine, dice nobis tanta plura, duceque nos ad intellectum altum et inteligentiam altam horum arcanorum ipsorum, ex quibus auxiliabaris nobis ipsis plurimum in celebratione nosta Adventus ac Natalis Christi. 6. promissionum: harum + illarum; prophetiae: huius + illius; vultus: huius + illius; salutem: hanc + illam; tempore: hoc + illo; tempus: hoc + illud; Ioannem: hunc + illum; angelis: his + illis B. 1. iste: pejorative sense = that miserable one of yours 2. oblivisceris (Gp. 3) - T.1 oblivisceris reversed: obliviscimini or T.3 obliviscéris reversed: obliviscemini <- here T.3 (its surrounded by future verbs) 3. tuo = anxious with (disturbed by) your love; tui = anxious with love of you 4. Domine - vocative, reversed: Domini 5. illi - dative singular; subject plural masc. 6. longe = far - adverb; longius, longissime 7. reversed: fuge -> fugite; absconde -> abscondete; abice -> abicite; iste -> isti; facie -> faciebus 8. dic - irregular imperative, reversed: dicite; duc -> ducite, fac -> facite, fer -> ferte 9. altissime: alte, altior 10. te ipsum = you yourself; your very self / the very you 11. See now, little man, flee your little occupations, hide yourself a little from your turbulent thoughts. Reject now oppressive concerns, and postpone your distending works. Be free for God a little, and rest somewhat in him. Enter within the bedroom of your mind; exclude all things except God... Now say, my whole heart, now say to God: I am seeking your face; your face, O Lord, I long for... What will he do, O most-high Lord, what wiil that wretched distant exile of yours do? What will your servant do, anxius with love of you and having been thrown far from your face? He gasps to see you, and your face is exceedingly distant for him... O Lord, you are my God, and you are my Lord, and I have never seen you. And O you, Lord, how long? How long will you forget us, how long will you avert your face from us? When will you look-back and graciously-hear us? When will you illuminate our eyes and extend your face to us? When will you restore yourself to us? Look-back, O Lord, graciously hear, illuminate us, extend your very self to us. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 12 A) this is that famous Raphael; that famous Raphael is here 1. ille = that (heavy) = is,ea,id (light) 2. iste - sounds bad B) 1. anus, anus = old woman; annus, anni = year; anus, ani = ring, circle 2. fis = you are made 3. adivere = adiverunt, T.4 4. impudens - masc., fem. or neuter; here fem.; impudentior; impudentissumas shamelessly = impudenter 5. The gods have heard, O Lyce, my vows They have heard, O Lyce: you are made an old woman, and yet you wish to seem beautiful by play games and you shameless woman drink. 6. verbs like "appear", "remain", "become" do not take an object but only the subject form as they are connecting verbs, not action verbs (like "to be"); also true passive verbs don't take direct objects 7. Audiere a deis deabusque, cara Lyce mea, si biberis impudentius quam omnes hae aliae anus quae amisere gustum suum ac studium vitae ipsius. C) 1. verbo = ablative: with a word 2. the heavy pronouns? 3. fac hoc reversed: facite haec 4. vade reversed: vadite 5. huic (dat. sing) - all 3 genders = to this one; reversed his 6. tantum - so much, greatly; hardly, only 7. alii - dative sing. or subject plural; all 3 genders = to another; alteri = to the other 8. Just speak with a word and my child/slave will be healed. For also I am under power, having soldiers under me and I say to this one: 'Go' and he goes and to another: 'Come' and he comes and to my servant: 'Do this' and he does. D) 1. ad meliora = towards better things; reversed: ad melius 2. ad = to, towards; OR ad = according to 3. exitus iste = pejorative sense of that there death; ille, is; gen. = exitus istius 4. The fact that we die in the meanwhile, we cross over from death to immortality; eternal life is not able to cross-over, unless one happens to exit/leave from here. That there death is nothing but a passage and crossing to eternal things [the temporal journey having been run out]. Who would not hasten to better things? Who would not long to be changed more quickly and to be reformed according to the appearance of Christ and according to the dignity of heavenly grace. 5. citius (comparative) cito (positive) 6. Christi solius; gratiae totius E) 1. gratulabare = gratulabaris - T.2 deponent 2. I have received the two letters from you having been given in Corfu, by one of which you were congratulating to me, that you had heard my original dignity, by the other one you were saying... it was turning out well and happily. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 13 A) 1. assumptae - having been assumed; promissum - having been promised 2. in suae gloria: in the glory of his majesty 3. quod -> [id] ommitted <- referring to munus 4. reservare = reserve; reserare = open up 5. capiamus; caperemus, ceperimus, cepissemus 6. 20% - sounds subjenctive 7. With the first advent in the humility of the flesh having been assumed - he has fulfilled the task/gift of ancient design and has opened for us the path of perpetual salvation: so that, when he comes for the second time the glory of his majesty, plainly we might finally seize/take that [thing/gift] having been promised which now we dare to await keeping-vigil. 8. maiestatis ipsius; nobis ipsi; tramitem ipsum; munere ipso; gloria ipsa dispositionis totius; munus totum; salutis totius 9. beware of the genitive out in front + 1. claritatis - gen. sing.; oculis - dat. plur; mentis - gen. sing. 2. into the love of the invisible ones; NOT in invisible love = in invisibili amore 3. per hunc = through that man 4. reversed: Deum - deos; invisibilium - invisibilis 5. mysterium illud (neuter); amorem illum; verbi illius 6. rapiamur - T.1 passive; raperemur, rapti simus, rapti essemus 7. Through the mystery of the incarnate Word, the new light of your brightness has shown to the eyes of our mind: in order that, while we recognize [come to know] God visibly, we might be seized into the love of the invisibles ones for that man. 8. Deus cognoscitur a nobis 9. visibiliter: visibilius, visibilissé B) 1. dative: lineamentis 2. however 3. aer, aeris = air; aes, aeris = money, fee, bronze 4. unius - any gender - here feminine, ; reversed: unarum 5. et = and; at = but; ut = as 6. poena, poenae = penalty; paene - adverb = nearly, almost 7. However, so that I might be turned towards sculptors: poverty destroyed Lysippum sticking to the lines of one statue, and Myron, who had almost captured the souls of men and of wild-beasts in bronze, did not find an heir. But we having been sunk in wine and prostitutes, do not even dare to recognize arts provided for us, but we accusers of antiquity teach and learn only the vices (of antiquity). Foster 3rd Experience Homework 14 A) 1. significarent (T.2s), tractavissent (T.4s); T.2s - infinative, T.4s -ssem 2. 80% of dependent subjunctives will sound indicative the subjective sound is a kind of conditional / possibility: may, might, would, could, should; may have, might have, would have, could have, should have 3. The very teachers of us and of the women were explaining what the times and subjunctive ways of Latin were meaning, since the common books of the Latin language had treated these uses so lightly. 4. significarent (T.2s), significent, significaverint, significa[vi]ssent tractavissent (T.4s), tractent, tractarent, tractaverint B) 1. exsurgent = T.3, exsurgant = T.1s, exsurgunt = T.1 2. nulli = dative sing., reversed: nullis, genitive: nullius unus, solus, etc. 3. main verb = sounds subjunctive 4. Gp 3. revertitur, T.1; revertatur, T.1s; revertetur, T.3; requiretur, T.3; requiratur, T.1s 5. when it is the principal clause; or 1. purpose clause, 2. some conditional, 3. natural (wish or command) 6. omnibus, vigilantibus, exsurgentibus - dative plural; reversed: omni, vigilanti, exsurgenti 7. exsurgant - main verb (natural subjunctive) - subjunctive sound si requiratur - conditional - either sound? ut non revertatur - result clause - indicative sound 8. Let them arise even late who have slept, even the ones who have lost Christ. So Christ is not lost in such a way that he does not return (he is not returning), if yet he is being sought; for he returns to ones keeping watch, and he is at hand (present) to ones getting up; indeed he is present to all, he who is always everywhere, because he fulfills all things. He fails to no one, we fail ourselves. For I say, he fails no one, he is superabundant to all. 9. Perdidisti tu ipse nihil tibi ipsi, si consulisti (consulueris) peritos ipsos, qui secundum scientiam suam negotii totius ipsius iudicia sua tibi dederint. 10. revertatur (T.1s), reverteretur, reversus sit, reversus esset [Tract 2: iposuit = T4b - main verb; divideret = T.2s - contemporaneous] C) 1. lectae sint = T.3s; fuerit = T.3s 2. fuerit = T.3s + T.6; fuerim, fuero 3. And so when he [Romulus] was dividing the people into thirty curias, he imposed on the curias their [the sabine women's] names. It is not taught (since by no doubt the number of women was bigger by a little) whether they [the woman] were chosen by age or by their dignities or [dignities] of their husbands or by lot. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 15&16 A) 1. dati simus - T.3s, putes - T.1s 2. simus (dependent clause) - indicative sound; putes (indirect question) - indicative sound 3. hoc recenti beneficio 4. ipse = I myself 5. paractas = [women] having been carried out 6. 'Because we have been given [as] lawyers (defenders) by the senate, discern whether you believe(think) our parts have been carried out (fulfilled), the senate investigation having been made (completed).' And that man: 'You will decide the end (limit) which you will want, to/for whom there is no relationship with the province except from your kindness and this a recent one; I myself was both born there and I have been (was) treasurer(governor) in it.' 7. dispice reverse: dispicite; ipse reversed: ipsi B) 1. ipsius = itself -> eiusdem iustificationis 2. dissmeninata sit - T.3s; indicative sound - dependent clause disseminetur, disseminaretur, dissmeninata esset 3. erronea -> doctrina; detrimento - ablative w/ sine 4. At this time, not without loss of many souls and grave harm of the unity of the church, erroneous doctrine has been (was) disseminated concerning justification: for the praise and glory of the omnipotent God, for the tranquility of the Church and for the salvation of souls, the most holy, ecumenical and general tridentine synod... intends to explain (set forth) for all christian faithful the true and sound doctrine of justification itself. 5. Timeo [vereor, metuo] ne in parte interiore templi multos annos non fuerit; sed numquam praetermittit templum quin detrahat (T.1s) suum galerum [pileum]. Quod monstrat principia bona habet (T.1). C) 1. inducar: T.3 or T.1s; reversed: inducemur or inducamur 2. saevE = adverb (from saevus,a,um) - ferociously; saeve = vocative - O ferocious man 3. 20% - subjunctive sound 4. vultus - object plural (w/ blandos) 5. misero -> mihi 6. You always offer to me flattering appearances (faces) so that I mey be induced (drawn to love) yet afterwards you O Cupid are bitter and a miserable man to me. what to you, O wild man, is business with me? Foster 3rd Experience Homework 17 A] 1. per ipsum = through him himself, through him 2. unus is a pronomial adjectives which forms the same as the demonstrative pronouns; genitive, of form; dative: tuae veritatis -> tuae veritati; unius fidei -> uni fidei 3. vere = adverb from verus,a,um - truly; salutaris, salutare = neuter adjective - salutary; verissime, salutarissimum 4. efficeremur - T.2s; efficiamur, effecti simus, effecti essemus 5. Subjunctive time is not a matter of English translation, but is subject to the main indicative verb it depends on; efficeremur depends on adduxisti (T.4b) 6. omnipotens aeterne Deus - vocative; reversed: omnipotentes aeterni Dei 7. It is truly worthy and just, equitable and salutary always and everywhere that we render thanks to you O Lord O holy Father O omnipotent eternal God, through Christ our Lord. Indeed through him you led us to recognition of your truth that we might be made his Body by the bond of one faith and baptism; through him you give-generously among all nations (peoples) your Holy Spirit who works in a diversity of gifts [marvelous worker and effector of unity] inhabits the sons of adoption and fills and rules the whole Church. B] A) 1. tu, subject of concedas 2. adoptionis - genitive, of form -> populum; unitatis et pacis -> dona 3. concedas = T.1s; independent - sounds subjunctive - may you grant, you should grant 4. reversed: hostia -> hostiis; dona -> donum; tua -> tuis O propitious Lord, you who once by one sacrifice acquired the people of adoption for yourself, may you grant to us gifts of unity and peace in your Church. 5. Interpretare quam fidelissime hunc textum ipsum qui non tuae unius mentis vires superat sed tuae totius institutionis rationes sequitur. B) 1. subject: hostia 2. 'idem, eadem, idem (-idem)' = pronoun meaning 'the same' - like 'is, ea, id'; ipse = self/very; eorundem mysteriorum reversed eiusdem mysterium 3. independent / main verb = subjunctive 4. = both...and; coniunctus = having been connected/joined 5. May the sacrifice that we offer to you, O Lord, both confer (grant) purification and make all people [having been joined in the one baptism] at last sharers of its mysteries. C) 1. gloriantur - T.1 deponent; mereantur - T.1s; renoves - T.1s 2. sumentes -> sacramenta; will sound subjunctive - a purpose, final clause 3. T.2: gloriabantur; mererentur 4. We seek (ask) taking (receiving) the sacraments of your Christ, O Lord, in order that you would renew in your Church the grace of sanctification which you have given, and all [who boast in the Christian name] would merit to serve you in a unity of faith. 5. reversed: omnes -> omnis; renoves -> renovetis Foster 3rd Experience Homework 18&19 1. consocutio temporum = the sequence of tenses; the subjunctive time doesn't depend on the English translation important to write / create the Latin subjunctive and to understand it Cicero 1. nostrum = 'of us', not 'our'; reversed: mei 2. a. 80% - sound indicative b. egeris, fueris, convocaveris, ceperis - T.3s c. Track 1 d. arbitraris - T.3 3. antecedent, completed, previous, future completed who of us do you think does not know? what you have done/did by the previous night or before, where you have been, whom did you assembled(call), what advice had you seized. O times, O customs! The senate understands these things, the consul [Cicero] sees these things, this man still lives Ambrose [on the infancy of Jesus] 1. ago = drive, push, thank, speak; egeo = need, lack, want 2. abundaret (T.2s) - sounds subjunctive - Track 2; depends on maluit - T.4b 3. plus ... quam = more ... than 4. abundaret - incomplete, ongoing, _future_ action 5. Therefore that poverty is my inheritance(wealth), and the weakness of the Lord is my strength. He preferred to be needy (wanting) for himself, in order that he would (someday) abound (be rich) for all. Those tears(wailings) of a crying infancy wash(purify) me, those tears have washed my sins (crimes). Therefore Lord Jesus, I owe more to your injustices(sufferings/pains/injuries/insults) because I was redeemed, than [I owe] to your works the fact that I have been created. 6. Tract 1 - we have = T.1; we had tasted = T.3s Cum degustaverimus linguam politissimam [politam ipsam] illius Ambrosii, ergo hodie expositionem eius evangelii lucae habemus in hoc ludo nostro non semel sed bis, tamquam statim videbimus. 1. nobiscum, tecum, vobiscum, secum, quicum 2. Tract 2 - depending on rogabat (T.2); T.2s - future, T.4s - future completed ut - future (subjunctive); cum - antecedent or duture perfect (indicative) 3. venisset - T.4s - Feb. 23, esset - Feb. 25, venisset - can't mean 'did come', 'had come', rather 'will have come' - Feb. 24 4. So forgiveness is loosened rapidly for the thief and grace is more abundant than prayer; indeed the Lord always grants more than he is asked. Namely he was asking that the Lord would be mindful of him, when he would have come into his kingdom; but the Lord said: 'Amen, amen, I say to you: today you will be with me in paradise.' Foster 3rd Experience Homework 20 A] 1. purpose/final clauses = sound subjunctive 2. debet; oportet 3. pro = according to, in proportion to, in keeping with 4. adhibitorum - genitive plural: of men/things having been used -> litterariorum 5. reapse = in truth, really 6. temporal clauses / indirect questions = sound indicative 7. main verb: debet (T.1) - Track 1 8. T.3s = antecedent, completed, previous, future completed; none sound subjunctive locutus sit - he spoke, has spoken, did speak; voluerit - he has desired, had willed; intenderint - he had intended, did intend, intended; placuerit - he was pleased 9. perspiciat (T.1s), inquirat (T.1s) - contemporaneous, incomplete, ongoing, perpetual, or future 10. eorum -> the reflexive form isn't used, because its not refering to the subject 11. Since however God has spoken in the Sacred Scripture by men in the custom of men, the interpreter of Sacred Scripture, in order that he might understand that which He [God] has desired to communicated to us, must investigate attentively that which the sacred-writers really intended to mean and it gave pleasure to God to reveal-manifest by their words.. / .. moreover it is necessary, so that the interpreter would investigate the sense, which the sacred-writer had intended to express and had expressed, by the help of the literary genres having been used in that time, in circumstances having been determined, as by the situation-condition of his time and his culture. 12. the consecutio temporum is necessary to write / create the Latin subjunctive and to understand the Latin subjunctive Samuel Johnson "Vir-homo qui non fuit in Italia semper conscius status inferioris [est], cum non videat quod ipse debeat videre." "Omnis habet ius ut eloquatur quod arbitratur veritatem, et omnis alter habet ius ut evertat eum pro eo. Martyrium temptatio-probatio [est]" B] 1. main verb: miserunt (T.4b) - tract 2 2. accusarent - purpose-final clause - sounds subjunctive (future) viveret + fecisset - temporal-causal clauses - sound indicative 3. fecisset (T.4s) - antecedent, completed - he had done/made viveret (T.2s) - incomplete, ongoing - he was living 4. 80% of dependent subjunctives sound indicative 5. Since this one was living with great dignity because of its [the city's] many virtues, they send legates of the Spartans to Athens, who would accuse him missing [being-absent], that (as they said) he had made a partnership with the Persian King. He absent was condemned because of this accusation of treason. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 21 Cum scriptor romanus nepos nobis tantum placuisset (T.4s), et cum utilitatem tantam narrationibus latinis eius acciperemus (T.2s), propositum est [T.4b - neuter] scidulis iniectis in scrinium proprium [capsam/cista propria] ut exempla plura scriptoris/auctoris eiusdem nobis statim traderentur (T.2s). A] 1. T.2s - incomplete, ongoing; depends on contigit (T.4b) 2. liberaret -> liberet, depelleret -> depellat; restitueret -> restituat 3. Timoleon of Corinth. Without doubtful judgment of all this great man stood out. And for to him alone it happened - which I do not know for no-one-else - that he was both freeing the fatherland [in which he had been born] having been oppressed by a tyrant, and he was repelling for Syracusans the slavery having been rooted to whom he had already been sent for help, and he was restoring by his arrival to its pristine/original-state the whole Sicily having been troubled many years by war and having been oppressed by the barbarians. 4. ut patria leberaretur a eo, servitus depelleretur a eo, Sicilia restitueretur a eo B] 1. sound indicative 2. a) fuerit (T.3s) - incomplete, ongoing - est b) presfuisset (T.4s) - completed, previous - excellebat c) alerentur...collocarentur (T.2s) - incomplete, ongoing - factum est d) purpose or final clause - sounds subjunctive 2. Don't follow the normal tracts 3. Aristides, Son of Lysimachus, of Athens... truly Aristides was excelling in moderation so that one after the memory of men - he indeed whom we were hearing - he was being called by the surname Just... This man by which moderation was done, no proof is more certainly that that, although he had been in charge of many things, he had died in such poverty that - by which he would be carried out for burial - he hardly bequeathed. Therefore it was done that his daughters were fed at public expense and from the treasury of the community they were established in marriage dowries having been given. 1. quod celebrare optamus - box effect - we wish to celebrate that 2. main / principal verbs sound subjunctive 3. indIco, ere - to command - different accent 4. paschalibus sacramenta; studiosioribus operibus 5. From whence because the mother begets such fruits by restraint of virtues and ones fasting from vices to lead to ineffable delight, now with more eager work - dearly beloved - we would accomplish heavenly precepts, and because every sacrament was established by Passover-Easter for the remission of sins, we would imitate that which we wish to celebrate. Indeed 'merciful and just is the Lord' thus he promised his pardon, just as he decrees it still for them whom he spares. 6. Cum Deus peccatoribus pepercerit, indicitur ut proximis parcant. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 22 A] 1. adiuvanda - needing to be helped; miserandi - needing to be pitied; diligenda = needing to be loved/esteemed 2. exsequamur (T.1s) - we should execute/carry-out; simus (T.1s) - may we be/let us be 3. imitemur (T.1s) - sounds subjunctive; sit adiuvanda (T.1s) - sounds indicative 4. sunt redempti = they were redeemed, have been redeemed - not: are redeemed; miserandi sunt = are needing to be pitied 5. praecipue = especially; chiefly 6. qui -> his -> qui non evangelium receperunt 7. quibus studendum est = to which it is needing to be attended (to which attention must be devoted) 8. abundantius - comparative adverb from abundans (abundantis) = more abundantly 9. Therefore in days of holy fastings, to which antention must be given, let us execute works of piety more abundantly. We should be merciful to all, but most to household-ones/members of faith, so that in even the very distributions of alms we might imitate the goodness of the heavenly Father who makes his sun to rise over both the good and evil and [he] rains over the just and unjust. Although therefore the povery/need of faithful ones is especially needing to be helped, nevertheless even those who have not yet accepted the Gospel, are needing to be pitied in their work/struggle/toil, because in all men communion of nature is needing to be loved, which also must make us kind even to these people, who have been subjected by whatever situation, especially if they have already been reborn with the same grace and have been redeemed by the same price of Christ's blood. 10. Leo ex fenestra sua prospicens et videns necessitates Romanorum degentium/viventium circa se/eum, motus illo aspectu/spectaculo ipso scripsit (T.4b) verba dicenda/proloquenda, cum Romani idem erant/essent (T.2s) celebraturi baccanalia sua. note: he quotes Gal 6:10 - operemur bonum ad omnes, maxime autem ad domesticos fidei. - let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith (RSV). Foster 3rd Experience Homework 23 A] 1. collectos = those having been gathered, victis = those having been conquered, redactos = those having been reduced, impeditum = the thing having been blocked 2. omnium -> consensu 3. arbitrarentur (T.2s) -> miserunt/dediderunt (T.4b); possent (T.2s) -> dixerunt (T.4b); videretur (T.2s) -> conservavit (T.4b) 4. cum+arbitrarentur -> sounds indicative; ut+videretur -> sounds subjunctive; qui+possent -> sounds indicative 5. miseros, miseriores, miserrimos; diligentissime, diligenter, diligentius 6. in commemoranda calamitate - in the disaster needing to be recalled/mentioned 7. hac pugna nuntiata - this battle having been reported 8. arbitrarentur - incomplete, ongoing; T.4s - arbitrati essent 9. utens - using, usus - having used, usurus - about to use, utendus - needing to be used; ablative object = misericordia 10. in plaudes = into swamps; in miseros = toward/unto/for the poor 11. commemorans - recalling, commemoratus - having been recalled, commemoraturus - about to be recalled, commemorandus - needing to be recalled 12. The elders, whom we had said/mentioned having been gathered together with the children and women in marshes and into swamps, this battle having been reported, when/since [elders] were thinking nothing having been blocked from the victors [and] nothing safe for the ones having been conquered/vanquished, by/with the consent of all those who were left they sent legates to Caesar and they surrendered themselves to him and in the disaster of the city needing to be recalled - they said to be themselves having been reduced from 600 to three senators, from men of 60 thousand to scarcely 500, who were able to bear arms. These whom [which people] Caesar spared most-diligently, so that he might be seen having used mercy for the wretched and begging ones [supplicants]. 13. Ipse Caesar, cernens mulieres puerosque Nerviorum relictos a Romanis et fugituros, iudicavit eos sicut conservandos non conflictandos plus/amplius bello. B] 1. quam angustissime - as closely as possible; quam plurimos - as many as possible 2. uter - which (of 2); uterque - each (of 2), both; secial forms - genitive: utrius, dative: utri 3. contineret-occuparet (T.2s) -> nitebatur (T.2); occupavisset-coepisset (T.4s) -> occupavit (T.4b) 4. future - might (purpose clause - sounds subjunctive) 5. occubandis - needing to be occupied 6. Each was striving with great force for garrisons needing to be occupied: Caesar, so that he might hold-in Pompeius as closely as possible, Pompeius so that he might occupy as many of the hills [collis - bl. 2, accusative!] as possible by the greatest outer-edge; and frequent battles were being made because of this cause [for that reason]. In these [battles], when the ninth legion of Caesar had occupied a certain garrison and began to fortify [it], Pompeius occupied the neighboring/near-by and opposite hill to/at this place. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 24&25 A] dedolatus = having been cut down 1. in explorandis negotiis - in troubles needing to be explored - participle of necessity, passive 2. noverim = T.3s; sound subjunctive = I should learn; nostin = you do not know 3. verum / vero - but, however 4. delatus = having been delivered; delata est = [she] was delivered 5. data opportunitate - opportunity having been given 6. perventuram = [women] about to reach/arrive 7. movens - moving, motus - having been moved, moturus - about to move, movendus - needing to be moved; motos -> fluctus - waves having been moved 8. accumules (T.1s) - you may accumulate, imponas (T.1s) - you may impose 9. utens - using, usus - having used, usurus - about to use, utendus - needing to be used; usus sum = I have used (T.4a), ablative object = quo 10. interfuerium = T.3s - sounds indicative 11. A: Therefore we will summon doctors from Nuremberg; for you possess innumerable friends there, certainly that Bilibaldus and half of your life, and anguish of each law. E: Did you say anguish? A: We were wanting to say a doctor. E: Whom!? By no means indeed, I understand enough. A: That conceited, stupid, careless, arrogant, the father of whom the mother of whom... do you not know? E: Why I should not come to know, of one who took part in nuptials recently... also whom I have used for spying on Lutherans troubles needing to be explored, for he was faking himself a friend to him. However I by no means greatly trust Bilibaldus, inasmuch as he is a Lutheran. A: But we were believing him most-friendly to you. E: Thus that wicked one was simulating, and I was almost believing, but not that long ago a letter of that one was delivered secretly to me, in which among other things he called me a conceited sophist and ignorant of Greek literature. A: Really? E: Most truly, but he was never thinking that letter was going to reach to me. However I - the opportunity having been given - will rightly avenge myself of the man, but now it is better to conceal and 'collect waves having been moved' (Vergil). A: Wisely as all things, lest you should accumulate the problem and lest in the end you should impose an oversized burden on [your] shoulders. B] 1. to willing people 2. [thing] is needing to be tolerated 3. E: But also Martin Luther is wrong in it, that he dares to put-forth to the ignorant and impious multitude the secrets and mysteries of indulgences truly needing to be hidden, and he dares to call them tricks/deceits. Do we not see lay persons finally are beginning to be-wise/understand voluntarily and discern more acutely than our teachers would wish/want to discern? But in this he does the capital-crime, that purgatory he denies to/unto/for the harm/detriment/loss of the high pontiff and the detriment of Roman nobles, but also to the ruin of all theologians. A: That man is wicked who values salvation of souls and not profit/gain-reward of money, a public advantage! E: But this is not needing to be suffered/tolerated, that Luther seems/is-seen to offer a leader to ones willing/wishing to provoke the theological faction the likeness of Erasmus. A: But now Erasmus and Martin become theologians? E: Thus they want to appear/be-seen, although they are nothing less. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 26 A] 1. laetans - rejoicing, laetatus - having rejoiced, laetaturus - going to rejoice, laetandus - needing to be rejoiced 2. satiasti = satiavisti - T.4 3. propitiatus - having been appeased -> tu (custodi) 4. in ea -> in eis; tua -> tuum; alimonia-> alimoniis; dona -> donum; perpetua -> perpetuis 5. laetaturum - about to rejoice, laetatam - having rejoiced 6. protectione defende -> protectionibus defendite 7. satiasti -> satiavistis; custodi -> custodite 8. familiam - object of verb defende 9. huius altaris - genitive out in front of alimonia - from the food of this altar; reversed: horum altarium 10. We seek, O Lord on the solemnity of blessed Joseph you defend your rejoicing family whom - from the food of this altar - you have nourished by perpetual protection and in it [the ?] you, having been appeased, watch-over your gifts. A2] 1. implenda - needing to be fulfilled/realized -> mysteria 1b. ut -> servet (T.1s); subject: Ecclesia tua 2. Deus - vocative, reversed: dei 3. praesta - imperative; B form: praestato 4. Grant - we seek O omnipotent God - so that mysteries of human salvation needing to be fulfilled, the beginnings of which you committed to the custody of the blessed-faithful Joseph, your Church would continually preserve, he interceding [while he intercedes]. B] 1. participles 2. For thinking him to be in the crowd they came a journey of a day, and they were seeking him among the kinsmen and friends. And not finding they returned into Jerusalem seeking him. And it is a fact: after three-days they found him in the temple, sitting in the middle of the doctors, hearing them and asking them.../... And his mother said to him: 'O Son, why have you done thus to us? Behold your father and I hurting/sorrowing were seeking you'. 3. audientem -> invenerunt illum qui audiebat illos existimantes -> illum qui existimavant esse C] 1. celebrent, resonent - sound subjunctive 2. subjects: agmina; chori 3. May the crowd[armies] of heaven-dwellers celebrate you O Joseph may all the choira of christians resound you you who are illustrious by merits were joined by a chaste covenant to the famous Virgin. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 27 1. occidere - to kill OR to fall, go down, decline 2. severorum - positive adj.; severiorum - comparative adj. = more severe, rather severe, somewhat severe, too severe, quite severe 3. sound subjunctive - main verbs 4. nobis - dative: for us; dormienda - by us <- dative of agent 5. Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love and let us value all the rumors of the rather severe old men [as] of one one-penny lonely men have declined and they can return: when one brief light has declined one night needing to be slept by us is perpetual. Give to me a thousand kisses then a hundred then another thousand then a second hundred... 6. Debemus dormire non unam noctem perpetuam, cum lux brevis totius vitae nostrae occiderit nobis viventibus in hac terra sed victuris in caelo. 1. all sound indicative 2. est - therefore the prophet David is needing to be praised by all faithful = omnibus fidelibus (80%); a omnibus fidelibus (20%) by all reading the psalms = omnibus legentibus psalmos by all about to call their children David = omnibus nominaturis pueros suos David 3. cum agnosceret (T.2s) - when he was recognized - ongoing, incomplete 4. Therefore holy David had a knowledge, as one who is the perfect prophet, because thus he perfectly knew that he was being humbled in the truth itself../.. In this therefore the prophet David is to be praised because, when/although he was acknowledging, he was being humbled, so that by his humility either he might exclude temptations of prosperous things or he might undergoing with constant tranquility the persistence of foes. 5. when he recognized (T.4s) - cum agnovisset 1. meditare - imperative command; esse - infinitive 2. tota -> die; tota could modify 'die', or it could be ablative modifying 'lege' 3. sound ablative: a) adhibe tibi - Use for yourself b) tibi debet esse - it must be for you c) it is needing to be meditated by you = you must mediate on it 4. Therefore meditate the whole day on the law; it must not be for you passed-over perfunctory ../.. Use counselors for yourself - Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Peter, Paul, John - the great counselor himself Jesus Son of God, so that you might acquire the Father. Since of these it is needing to be treated by you, since of these it is needing to be discussed by you, it is needing to be meditated the whole day, as David used to meditate, and this was the only mediation for him. 5. Sic fuit - erit - sub sole: laborandum/operandum est multis pro uno. 1. paratum = [the thing] having been provided/prepared 2. precantis = of one supplicating 3. Thus he who prays/asks, he should always pray/ask; and if he does not always pray/beg, he should always have the attitude/disposition having been prepared of one praying/supplicating. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 28&29 1. conservertur and sit (T.1s) -> depend on suscipit et veneratur (T.1) 2. dictatas = having been dictated; conservatas = having been preserved; secuta = having followed; propones = proposing; pertinentes = pertaining 3. tamquam = just as; tam... quam = so much... as much 4. The Ablative absolute has a Subject in the Ablative case, and a Verb which is a Participle in the Ablative case. Often it begins with the verb, and the subject of the Ablative Absolute follows, as is the case here. = legates presiding - while legates are presiding 5. a) the synod is about to follow the examples of the fathers b) the synod followed the examples of the fathers c) the examples of the fathers are needing to be [must be] followed by the synod 6. ablative absolute - subject & participle in ablative case the errors having been removed; after the errors have been removed 7. The most holy ecumenical and general Tridentine synod, legitimately having been gathered in the Holy Spirit, while the same three legates of the apostolic see are presiding over it, the synod putting for itself before its eyes, that the errors having been removed, the purities of the Gospel might be preserved in the Church itself... having followed the example of the orthodox fathers, [the synod] receives and venerates all books with equal affection and reverence - so much old as much new testaments -, since the one God is the author of each (of the two), neither the traditions themselves, both according to the faith and according to pertaining morals, [traditions] as having been dictated either by mouth from Christ or from the Holy Spirit and [traditions] having been preserved in the catholic church with continuous succession. 1. T.1s - 80% sound indicative - sit progressura = it is about to proceed, going to go; sit usura = it is about to use/employ 2. confirmandus = needing to be confirmed; instaurandus = needing to be restored; adscribendum = needing to be added/written 3. testimoniis ac praesidiis 4. possit (T.1s) -> censuit - T.4a, not 4b = has judged/decided 5. ne possit - negative purpose clause; intellegant - main verb 6. But [the synod] has judged a list/index of the sacred books needing to be added to this decree, so that no doubt might be able to arise for someone: which [sacred books] then-finally are being accepted/received by the synod itself. Therefore all should understand by which order and way the synod itself is going to proceed - after the foundation of the confession of faith having been laid-down - and what witnesses/testimonies and helps [the synod] is chiefly going to use in dogmas needing to be confirmed and morals in the church needing to be restored. 1. Naso legendus erat - Ovid was needing to be read, was to be read, had to be read Naso legendus erit - Ovid will need to be read, must be read, has to be read 2. 'vobis legendus erit' could be dative of agent (80%) = 'it will need to be read by you-all'; or it could be dative (20%) = 'it will need to read to/for you-all' 3. when the verb understood as 'being': duce - being the leader 4. I being the leader - O men - you suppress harmful worries and the ship having beed set-straight should go with friends - I being the leader Ovid was to be read then when you learned to love. now ye must read the same Ovid Foster 3rd Experience Homework 30 1. of the ones harvesting; eorum metebant 2. And Ruth of Moabite said to her mother-in-law: 'If you permit, I shall go into the field and I shall gather ears-of-corn, which will have escaped the hands of the ones harvesting, wherever I shall have discovered/found grace/favor of the clement one in the father of the household'. To whom she responded: 'Go, my daughter'. A] 1. occisum = having been killed, dato = having been given, medicatum = having been treated, excruciatum = having been tortured 2. dative: epulanti - to the one feasting, avidissimo - to the most greedy 3. hausto venero = the poison having been drunk; when the poison had been drunk; after he drank the poison 4. multi = plural subj.; hausto = singular abl. 5. dato -> veneno 6. tradunt = they communicate, teach, reportr 7. Claudius -> ei 8. cum venerum haustus est; cum venerum haustus esset 9. And indeed it is agreed him to have been killed by the poison having been given; however it is disagreed where and by whom. Indeed some teach, [it having been given] to him feasting in the citadel with the priests by Halotus the eunuch foretaster; others teach [it having been given] at the house banquet by Agrippina herself, she who had offered the mushroom having been treated to [Claudius] the most greedy of such foods. Still the rumor is diverse from the following ones. Many say, immediately when the poison had been drunk, him to have fallen silent and having been tortured by pains during the whole night, him to have died near daybreak. 10. Cum Claudius comedisset boletos, optates vehementer ab eo et cocinatus a agrippina uxore sua - resistente stomacho et occiso corde suo - occisus est, cum rexisset mundum annis tredecim. B] 1. to the one about to rule 2. monens = she advising -> mater 3. -is can be object plural 4. avertit -> mater; Seneca praeceptor - second subject of the same verb 5. admiratione sua - by his admiration; admiratione sui - by admiration of himself 6. detineret (T.2s) - sounds subjunctive 7. He [as] a boy touched almost all liberal disciplines. But his mother kept/averted him from philosophy, she warning it to be contrary to one about to rule; Seneca [as] teacher kept/averted him from the knowledge of the old orators, so that for-more-time/longer he might hold [him] in admiration of himself. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 31 A] 1. peracta + unctione - the anointing having been carried-out contriti + christifidelis - the heart having been crushed roborati + [christifidelis] - they having been strengthened 2. soluti = having been released; affecti = having been afflicted; superandam = needing to be overcome; sufferendam = needing to be endured 3. unctione peracta - the anointing having been carried out; when / after / if /once has been carried out 4. The sacramental anointing of the sick-ones having been carried out, by a priest with the prayer, the christian-faithful having been afllicted by a grave illness - and [they] having been contrite in heart, secure grace, by which [they] having been strengthened by the hope of an eternal reward and having been released from sins - they are disposed to emendation of life, and they are helped for the sickness needing to be overcome or patiently needing to be endured. 5. a) sacramentalem unctionem christifideles nostri percipient a nobis b) sacramentalis unctio christifideles nostros adiuvabit morbo eorum c) sacramentali unctione percepta christifideles nostri roborabuntur d) sacramentalis unctio perceptus christifideles nostros solvet peccato B] 1. Episcopum communionem habentem - a Bishop having communion 2. citra = short of, without -> sine, absque 3. excepto Episcopo - ablative absolute: a Bishop having been excepted; the verb-participle comes before the noun-subject 4. needing to be promoted/ordained - genitive = of the one needing to be ordained 5. promovendi + ritu 6. Bishop having been excepted; seeing that the Bishop is excepted; once the Bishop is left-out 7. communionem is the object of the participle habentem 8. promovendi = of the one needing to be ordained 9. A letter of dismissal can be sent to any Bishop having communion with the Apostolic See, only the Bishop of a diverse rite from the rite of the one needing to be ordained is excepted - without an apostolic indult. 10. a) puellas vociferantes in horto vocaturi eramus in scholam b) puellae vociferantes in horto vocatandae a moderatore erant c) puellis vociferantibus in horto pueri canistro folleque ludebant C] 1. moderante Sede Apostolica Romana - the Roman Apostolic See guiding - abl. absolute; as, while, if, because, when the Roman Apostolic See is guiding 2. provehantur - T.1s - sounds subjunctive - independent main verb 3. The initiatives of the ecumenical movement in each Church of its own right should be promoted carefully with special norms of particular law - while the Apostolic See of Rome is governing the same movement for the universal Church. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 32 A] 1. Because the thumb has been turned-down, the gladiator dies. 2. Since the rector is willing, the curriculum of Latin Language was undertaken; and God helping, it was completed. 3. You have attained all high things - virtue being the leader, fortune the companion - and you adolescent have gained these things while many are envying, whom you have broken with cleverness and industriousness. 4. Terrors throughout the world will be vanquished only when strengths/forces/resources have been united. 5. While you make alms, your left hand should not know what your right hand does, so that your alms may be in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will pay back to you. 6. You will say or do nothing as long as Minerva is unwilling. 7. Effort is useless when nature is resisting. 8. Men always rejoice when the truth has been revealed. 9. Indeed for your faithful ones, O Lord, life is changed, life is not destroyed and when the home/dwelling of this earthly residence has been dissolved, an eternal habitation in the heavens is prepared. 10. Nothing is fitting/suitable 'if Minerva is unwilling', that is if nature is opposing and disagreeing/fighting. B] 1. Periit gladiator cum pollex versus esset. 2. Dum tu facis eleemosynam... 3. postquam dissoluta est terrestri huius incolatus domus... 4. Nihil decet si Minerva invita est, i.e. adversatur et repugnat natura C] 1. hoc...illus = the former ... the later 2. speramus - T.1 (or T.4 contracted); agamus - T.1s - main clause sounds subjunctive; habeamus - T.1s - purpose clause sounds subjunctive 3. a negotiis - "a" takes the ablative (separation); curis - subject of ablative absolute 4. Both innocent women, both - I say - praiseworthy women, but one industrious, the other idle; no wicked woman whom laborious must guard-against, how no idle who lazy woman must guard-against. Therefore there were in that home those two lives, and the font of life himself. In Martha was the image of the present, in Mary was the image of the future. We are that which Martha was doing there; we hope [for] this which Mary was doing. We should do the former well, so that we might have the latter fully... thence we now act somewhat having been withdrawn from businesses, after the family cares have been put-away/aside - ye have gathered -having been rested- ye hear. To what extent ye do this, ye are similar to Mary. D] 1. timendus est - he is needing to be feared, he should be feared, he ought to feared; by you = tibi (dative 80%) 2. exstinctus est = T.4 passive; timendus est = T.1; esto = imperative (B form) 3. the verb-participle of the ablative absolute will often be out in front 4. He must be feared in public, in secret. You go-out, you will have seen; you go-in, you will have seen; the lamp burns, he sees you; the lamp has been extinguished, he sees you. Fear him, that one to whom is anxiety that he might see you; and even by fearing you shall be pure/chaste. Or if you wish to sin, seeking where he might not see you, even do that which you wish. 5. Augustinum plus amo opinionibus/sententis eius inquisitis/vestigatis et intellectis/sensis. Foster 3rd Experience Homework 33&34&35 A] 1. victurus - about to live/conquer, about to defeat; mansura - about to remain/last 2. ut + subj. - purpose/final clause - sounds subjunctive; scribam - T.1s or T.3, here: T.1s 3. verius - comparative adverb = more truly (rather quite) 4. quamvis + subj. - adversative - sounds indicative (but in old English it might sound subjective) 5. occiderit + condiderit - T.6 or T.3s -> Tract 1 6. You desire, that I should write to you the death/departure of my uncle, so that you might be able to more truly/truthfully relate to the descendants... Indeed in the disaster of the most-beautiful regions/lands - as he was killed like both the memorable peoples and cities by misfortune - although he almost always about to live, although he himself had established very-many works about to last, nevertheless he adds eternities with the perpetuity of your many writings. 7. Plinius petebat a Tacito amico suo hoc ipsum officium, ut narraretur exitus eius avunculi, ut posteri acciperent accuratissimam narrationem eius pervestigantis vesuvii conflagrationem visam procul. B] 1. adorans = the one adoring, pulsans = the one beating, contestans = the one confessing 2. quemadmodum = "how" - indirect question - 90% sound indicative 3. T.6: how the publican will have prayed, will have been praying T.3s - indicative sound: how the publican was / is / has been / had / had been praying T.3s - subjunctive sound: how the publican might pray / should pray 4. ablative absolutes: oculis + allevatis; manibus + erectis 5. cum - 3 meanings: when, because, although, once [NOT: with] 6. adorans = is qui adorat; contestans = is qui contestat 7. Most-dear brothers, neither the one adoring nor that one should be ignorant how the publican was praying in the temple with the pharisee, not eyes having been raised impudently/shamelessly into heaven and not hands having been raised arrogantly. He beating his breast and confessing the sins having been enclosed within was imploring the help of divine mercy. And although the pharisee was pleasing to himself, this one is being sanctified more who asked/prayed thus. 8. a) Pharisaeum confessum peccata sua accepimus in communionem/communitatem nostram. b) Pharisaeo confesso peccata sua omnes fideles laetati sunt. c) Pharisaeus confessus peccata sua intravit/ingressus est templum nostrum quam sollemnissime. C] de mulieribus claris = about famous women 1. cum - when, because, although 2. viro + vertente - ablative absolute 3. ut - how, as, when, while, since 4. There the distinguished woman - famous for these deeds -, because first -- as it has been believed by some -- while/as the man is turning the earth with hoes, she invented sewing with a distaff, she more frequently experienced the pains of childbirth... the woman exhausted with labors/toils about to die arrived at old-age. 5. viro vertente = cum vir vertebat terram; cum vir verteret terram Free question: The reading selections being excellent, please be sure to leave enough time for the sheets needing to be corrected and the grammar needing to be taught.