Third Experience - Homework 15-16

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§ some shorter texts from all over Latin literature help us to become accustomed to the Latin Subjunctive and the problems which it brings with it.

A] As a lawyer and senate consultor our favorite letter-writer GAIVS PLINIVS CAECILIVS SECVNDVS [61-113 post Chr. cf. 'Ludus 4'] reports a living Latin conversation on the senate stairs which you can visit any day in the Forum:
"'Cum simus advocati a senatu dati, dispice num peractas putes partes nostras, senatus cognitione facta'. Et ille: 'Tu, quem voles, tibi terminum statues, cui nulla con provincia necessitudo nisi ex beneficio tuo et hoc recenti; ipse et natus ibi et quaestor in ea fui'" [Epist. VII,32 - written to Tacitus!]
VOCAB. dispicere=to discern,distinguish. cognitione facta [ablative absolute - soon in class:]the investigation having been made. necessitudo,inis-f.=relationship,connection. num=whether. perago,ere=to carry out. voles: T.3 'volo,velle'.

  1. Identify the SUBJUNCTIVES in the first line in their Time: [Careful!!]
  2. If the "cum" here means 'because' and the "num" is given in VOCAB., the question is how their subjunctive verbs are going to sound and Why from your class training: EXPLAIN:
  3. With what noun do the 'hoc recenti ' agree here? ________.
  4. What is going to be the full and strong meaning of that ipse in its whole sentence?=
  5. What is the full meaning of the verb form: "peractas" from the verb given?
  6. If next week you will see that T.3s will have a general 'past' sense while T.1s will be on-going, perpetual -- then you can give us perfectly this bit of lawyers' talk in the Roman Forum about 95 post Chr.:=
  7. If the reversed of "dispicE" must be= ________ then the reversed of "ipse" must be: ________
B] In 1547 the CONCILIVM TRIDENTINVM begins its treatment 'de iustificatione' against the teaching of Luther, with a beautiful sentence which you can understand and render perfectly, if you read it over a few times:
"Cum hoc tempore, non sine multarum animarum iactura et gravi ecclesiasticae unitatis detrimento, erronea quaedam disseminata sit de iustificatione doctrina: ad laudem et gloriam omnipotentis Dei, Ecclesiae tranquillitatem et animarum salutem sacrosancta oecumenica et generalis Tridentina synodus...exponere intendit omnibus Christifidelibus veram sanamque doctrinam ipsius iustificationis". [Prooemium]
VOCAB. iactura,ae-f.=loss,detriment. detrimentum,i-n.=injury,harm. cum HERE=since,because. synodus,i-F.=assembly,meeting. hoc tempore=ABL. of time at which.
  1. What do you have to say about: 'ipsius iustificationis'= of the same justification ??
    Check your DICT. for the word: 'the same' and then give us the proper form to fit into the Council's sentence:=
  2. If 'cum' here is used with the SUBJUNCTIVE, then point out that particular verb form in the text: ________, and its T. ____. Then you can tell us how it is going to 'sound' in the general past:= WHY?
    Then for your practice, You can give us the other three subjunctive times of the same verb form with the same subject:=
  3. Just to keep things straight with what does that "erronea" agree here?
    and what explains the form-case in "detrimento"?
  4. Now as a good historian-technician of Latin things you can produce your own personal rendition or the fundamental text:
  5. Put into your best Latin this statement of James Boswell about Samuel Johnson [1709-84]
    "I am afraid he has not been in the inside of a church for many years; but he never passes a church without pulling off his hat. This shows: he has good principles".
    VOCAB. to be afraid: timere,vereri,metuere. THAT-[understood here in English: ne+ SUBJUNCTIVE. inside=interior pars. for: use the object-acc. form of extent of time. to pass: praetermittere. without: in Latin= quin [that not]+SUBJUNCTIVE. pull off=detrahere. hat: galerus; pileus; petasus. principle=principium,i-n. church=templum.
C] For the first time this year one of Rome's special lyric-love poets: ALBIVS TIBVLLVS [60-19 ante Chr.], has a few lines or fervent sentiment in his love for Delia:
Sémper ut índucár blandós offérs mihi vúltus,
póst tamen és miseró trístis et ásper, Amór.
quíd tibi, saévê. reí mecum ést? ..."
VOCAB. offers: T.1, 'offero,offerre'. Amor=Cupido, god of love. quid...rei=what of business,thing.
  1. If you look at the verb: "induco,ere=to induce,entice,attract,influence", then you should see what possible verb Time in that 'inducar'? ________
    What will be the reversed of the possible Time? [indicate clearly]=
  2. If the adjective is "saevus,a,um=wild,ferocious", then tell us the difference between: 'saevÈ'= ________ and 'saevê' = ________.
  3. If later you will learn that 'UT' here is a purpose-final clause + SUBJUNCTIVE, then how will-it sound in what % of the subjunctive uses? ________.
  4. What form-case-use must you see in that "vultus"? (vultus,us-m.=face,expression)
  5. From the story what pronoun must you add to the: 'miserO'? ________
  6. Your own version of Tibullus' opening angry verses with Cupid:

Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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