Third Experience - Homework 5-6

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§ This 'ludus' is aptly introduced by one of our favorite Latin poets-story tellers-versifiers: PVBLIVS OVIDIVS NASO [43 ante -- 18 post Chr.], who expresses marvelously a common human sentiment, also experienced by St. Paul, and billions of others:
"Sed trahit invitam nova vis aliudque Cupido mens aliud suadet. VIDEO MELIORA PROBOQUE DETERIORA SEQUOR... [Metam. VIII, 18-21]
  1. If the adjective is: 'invitus,a,um=unwilling', then what does you see in that "invitAM"?
  2. Soon to come in class and in your DICT. you will find the expression: 'aliud...aliud' under "alius" meaning what? (hard to express in English)=
  3. If the basic adjective is 'bonus,a,um', what exactly is that "meliora"? explain fully. What is its reversed?
    You will find already in the DICT. 'deterior' which suggests what degree of an adjective? ________ [There is no positive degree for this one]. And therefore the Full meaning of 'deteriora' must be: ________ reversed: ________.
    You may also see there or spot in the word: 'deterior' and therefore give its superlative=
  4. Your version of the realistic text:
  5. Say on our own in correct Latin: 'How long will you be lazy [otior,otiari,otiatus] and will be kept [retineo,retinEre,retinui,retentus] far from the best examples of Latin discourse? Therefore our 'ludus' today is introduced [induco,ere] by one (unus,a,um) of our favorite [say: beloved from 'diligo,ere,dilexi,dilectus'] Latin poets (poeta,ae-M.) by whom is expressed [declarare; exprimere] marvelously [use: mirabilis,e and mirus,a,um - in their proper adverb form] a common human sentiment (adfectus; sensus,motus)

§ The "Liber Psalmorum" in the BIBLIA VVLGATA LATINA has a few lines of pure Latin with sentiments and examples for us:
"Deus, quis similis tibi? Quantas ostendisti mihi tribulationes multas et malas; iterum vivificasti me et de abyssis terrae iterum reduxisti me. Multiplicabis magnitudinem meam et conversus consolaberis me".
VOCAB. vivificare=to enliven,revive. multiplicare=to increase. consolor,ari=to console.

  • From the Latin verb: 'converto,ere=to turn around', what does "conversus" mean all alone?
  • The verb form: 'vivificasti' is a common Latin variation [+Italian application] for what full form in Latin?
  • 'Quantus,a,um' does not mean as in italian "how many" but ________.
  • If you take your extra 'adjective-adverb comparison' sheet, you can give us the other two degrees for those: 'multas':= ________ 'malas':= ________
  • What Time difference if any do you see in: "multiplicabis...consolaberis"? ________ What is the reversed of each? ________ What did we note as peculiar-special to one in our system of active-passive+deponent verbs? EXPLAIN:

    § In his lengthy letter to RUSTICUS EVSEBIVS HIERONYMVS [342-420 post Chr.] has these fervent remarks about a Christian - which can be applied to the follower of anything! -
    "Nihil Christiano* felicius, cui promittuntur regna caelorum. Nihil laboriosius, qui cotidie de vita periclitatur. Nihil fortius, qui vincit diabolum. Nihil imbecillius qui a carne superatur" [Epist.125,1].
    VOCAB. Christiano here means the same as: 'quam Christianus' as learned in class. imbecillus,a,um=weak. superare=to overcome,conquer.

    1. If the adjective is: 'laboriosus,a,um=industrious,active' then what is the visual and intellectual problem in: 'laboriosA'= ________ and 'laboriosiorA'= ________ 'laboriosIUS'= ________ and 'laboriosUS'= ________ [Identify each with exact meaning!]
    2. If you suppose that the 'christiano' is going to be felt-repeated in every phrase you can easily write out the text easily:
    3. A real test of your Latin preparation and presence will be these questions:
      1. From "superare-1", what will 'superaVeris' have to be and mean?
      2. From the same verb what will 'superaBeris' have to be and mean?
        And the reversed of those two in order:=
    4. What will this have to mean in Latin: "egregius laudabilius opus filius aggressus cantus adsensus primitus meruit." =

    § Finally our master Latin comedian, TITVS MACCVS PLAVTVS [254-184 ante Chr.] has a bit of street conversation for us from 200 ante Chr., between the Master and the neighbor:
    "Per deos atque homines ego te obtestor, Hegio, ne* tu istunc hominem perduis++. HERGIO: curabitur; nam noctu nervo vinctus custodibitur, interdius sub terra lapides eximet: diu ego hunc cruciabo, non uno absolvam die.".
    VOCAB. ne=lest,that not. istunc---hunc: that---this. noctu...interdius=at night...during the day. eximere=to take out,cut out. absolvere=to finish. perduis=lose,destroy.

    1. From the verb 'custodire=to guard', you NEVER learned the form use by Plautus which must be T.____. But rather you learned: ________
    2. [[The man they are determined to punish happens to be the very son of Hegio - stolen almost at birth who is the hero on the play]]. Write out the conversation:

    Third Experience Latin - Fr. Reginald Foster

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